
Back to the States!!

So I have been gone for quite awhile.  I have not been updating as usual since I have been getting ready for/going on vacation.  I went to Sicily with my hubby (G) to visit his family.  Preparing for that was an event within itself.  But I am back now and will be posting more frequently going forward.  I have lots and lots to share! 

Here is a quick outfit post from my vacay.  I will try to upload some pictures of the trip soon.

Everything in this outfit is old Zara except for the bag (which is newish Zara) and the shoes which I got on sale in January from Aldo.com

(I think my next step is to get a good camera.  My good old point and shot just can’t get the job done.)

Talk to you guys soon! I hope everyone had an awesome April and a magnificient start to May 🙂